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We propose a combined three pre-trained language models (XLM-R, BART, and DeBERTa-V3) as an empower of contextualized embedding for named entity recognition. Our model achieves a 92.9% F1 score on the test set and ranks 5th on the leaderboard at NL4Opt competition subtask 1.
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We present a new algorithm to learn a deep neural network model robust against adversarial attacks. Previous algorithms demonstrate an adversarially trained Bayesian Neural Network (BNN) provides improved robustness. We recognize the adversarial learning approach for approximating the multi-modal posterior distribution of a Bayesian model can lead to mode collapse; consequently, the model's achievements in robustness and performance are sub-optimal. Instead, we first propose preventing mode collapse to better approximate the multi-modal posterior distribution. Second, based on the intuition that a robust model should ignore perturbations and only consider the informative content of the input, we conceptualize and formulate an information gain objective to measure and force the information learned from both benign and adversarial training instances to be similar. Importantly. we prove and demonstrate that minimizing the information gain objective allows the adversarial risk to approach the conventional empirical risk. We believe our efforts provide a step toward a basis for a principled method of adversarially training BNNs. Our model demonstrate significantly improved robustness--up to 20%--compared with adversarial training and Adv-BNN under PGD attacks with 0.035 distortion on both CIFAR-10 and STL-10 datasets.
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The dynamics of a turbulent flow tend to occupy only a portion of the phase space at a statistically stationary regime. From a dynamical systems point of view, this portion is the attractor. The knowledge of the turbulent attractor is useful for two purposes, at least: (i) We can gain physical insight into turbulence (what is the shape and geometry of the attractor?), and (ii) it provides the minimal number of degrees of freedom to accurately describe the turbulent dynamics. Autoencoders enable the computation of an optimal latent space, which is a low-order representation of the dynamics. If properly trained and correctly designed, autoencoders can learn an approximation of the turbulent attractor, as shown by Doan, Racca and Magri (2022). In this paper, we theoretically interpret the transformations of an autoencoder. First, we remark that the latent space is a curved manifold with curvilinear coordinates, which can be analyzed with simple tools from Riemann geometry. Second, we characterize the geometrical properties of the latent space. We mathematically derive the metric tensor, which provides a mathematical description of the manifold. Third, we propose a method -- proper latent decomposition (PLD) -- that generalizes proper orthogonal decomposition of turbulent flows on the autoencoder latent space. This decomposition finds the dominant directions in the curved latent space. This theoretical work opens up computational opportunities for interpreting autoencoders and creating reduced-order models of turbulent flows.
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3D hand pose estimation from RGB images suffers from the difficulty of obtaining the depth information. Therefore, a great deal of attention has been spent on estimating 3D hand pose from 2D hand joints. In this paper, we leverage the advantage of spatial-temporal Graph Convolutional Neural Networks and propose LG-Hand, a powerful method for 3D hand pose estimation. Our method incorporates both spatial and temporal dependencies into a single process. We argue that kinematic information plays an important role, contributing to the performance of 3D hand pose estimation. We thereby introduce two new objective functions, Angle and Direction loss, to take the hand structure into account. While Angle loss covers locally kinematic information, Direction loss handles globally kinematic one. Our LG-Hand achieves promising results on the First-Person Hand Action Benchmark (FPHAB) dataset. We also perform an ablation study to show the efficacy of the two proposed objective functions.
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The sentiment analysis task has various applications in practice. In the sentiment analysis task, words and phrases that represent positive and negative emotions are important. Finding out the words that represent the emotion from the text can improve the performance of the classification models for the sentiment analysis task. In this paper, we propose a methodology that combines the emotion lexicon with the classification model to enhance the accuracy of the models. Our experimental results show that the emotion lexicon combined with the classification model improves the performance of models.
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语义分割是开发医学图像诊断系统的重要任务。但是,构建注释的医疗数据集很昂贵。因此,在这种情况下,半监督方法很重要。在半监督学习中,标签的质量在模型性能中起着至关重要的作用。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种新的伪标签策略,可提高用于培训学生网络的伪标签的质量。我们遵循多阶段的半监督训练方法,该方法在标记的数据集上训练教师模型,然后使用训练有素的老师将伪标签渲染用于学生培训。通过这样做,伪标签将被更新,并且随着培训的进度更加精确。上一个和我们的方法之间的关键区别在于,我们在学生培训过程中更新教师模型。因此,在学生培训过程中,提高了伪标签的质量。我们还提出了一种简单但有效的策略,以使用动量模型来提高伪标签的质量 - 训练过程中原始模型的慢复制版本。通过应用动量模型与学生培训期间的重新渲染伪标签相结合,我们在五个数据集中平均达到了84.1%的骰子分数(即Kvarsir,CVC-ClinicdB,Etis-laribpolypdb,cvc-colondb,cvc-colondb,cvc-colondb和cvc-300)和CVC-300)只有20%的数据集用作标记数据。我们的结果超过了3%的共同实践,甚至在某些数据集中取得了完全监督的结果。我们的源代码和预培训模型可在https://github.com/sun-asterisk-research/online学习SSL上找到
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由不同类型的节点和边缘组成的学习异质图增强了均匀图技术的结果。这样的图形的一个有趣示例是代表可能的软件代码执行流的控制流图。由于此类图代表了代码的更多语义信息,因此为这些图形开发技术和工具可能对检测软件中的漏洞的可靠性非常有益。但是,现有的异质图技术仍然不足以处理复杂的图形,在处理复杂的图形中,不同类型的节点和边缘数量较大且可变。本文集中于以太坊智能合约作为由构建在控制流图和包含不同类型的节点和链接的呼叫图的异质合同图表示的软件代码样本。我们提出了曼多(Mando),这是一种新的异质图表示,以学习这种异质合同图的结构。 Mando提取自定义的Metapaths,该Metapaths在不同类型的节点及其邻居之间建立了关系连接。此外,它开发了一个多米达异构图注意网络,以学习不同类型的节点及其在异质合同图中的多层嵌入,可以更准确地捕获智能合约的代码语义,并便利两者。 - 水平和粗粒合同级别的漏洞检测。我们对大型智能合同数据集的广泛评估表明,曼多(Mando)在粗粒合同水平上改善了其他技术的脆弱性检测结果。更重要的是,它是第一种基于学习的方法,能够在细粒度的线条层面上识别漏洞,并在F1分数方面将基于代码分析的传统漏洞检测方法显着提高了11.35%至70.81%。
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在本文中,我们介绍了一个高质量的大规模基准数据集,用于英语 - 越南语音翻译,其中有508音频小时,由331k的三胞胎组成(句子长度的音频,英语源笔录句,越南人目标subtitle句子)。我们还使用强基础进行了经验实验,发现传统的“级联”方法仍然优于现代“端到端”方法。据我们所知,这是第一个大规模的英语 - 越南语音翻译研究。我们希望我们的公开数据集和研究都可以作为未来研究和英语语音翻译应用的起点。我们的数据集可从https://github.com/vinairesearch/phost获得
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